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Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I announce that I cease all development and activity in the programming universe indefinitely. My career has reached the turning point I was not expecting for at least another year, leaving me highly off guard and without laid-out plans for this hobby's continuity. I have begun a 5-year residency program in Neurosurgery which is clearly not compatible, time-wise, with programming.

I gave in all my passion for developing, and you gave me back your loyalty and trust, even when I did not deserve that much. Now it is the time for payback. I release all my present and past work as Open Source software, in the hope some talented developer will continue maintaining and expanding my vision of a modern, sleek forum software. The intrinsic flexibility of MyBB is the true hidden gem of an otherwise outdated codebase; I do hope the project can continue and be updated complying to the latest coding standards.

I hereby thank Euan, kawaii, andrewjs18, Ben, Matt, Omar G., effone, Eric J., Devilshakerz, Wildcard, JordanMussi and all the other team members I have had the opportunity to work with when I was a MyBB team member. I thank Tomm M, my mentor, who inspired me to pick up coding with his piece-of-art plugins. And finally, I thank all of you MyBBoost subscribers who have helped me getting through my toughest university years economically.

Yours sincerely, Filippo

MyFacebook Connect 3.6

17 Feb 2016 Edited
MyFacebook Connect is a plugin which lets you login and register through Facebook on any MyBB installation. If you like MyFacebook Connect, consider offering me a coffee!

Do you feel Facebook login is not enough for your board? Flyover lets you login and register with 25+ social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Steam, Google, Tumblr, TwitchTV, WordPress and more! For more informations, read Flyover 2.4.

MyFacebook Connect can easily let your users register and login using their Facebook accounts: it differs from existing (both free and paid) plugins thanks to the provided PHP SDK and a lightweight, transparent integration. A must-have for almost every community and compatible with the latest MyBB releases!

As an admin, you can decide to use two different types of registration: Fast Registration lets you register through Facebook with only one click and one front-end redirect. This means that every user who would like to login into your board and doesn't have a registered account will be registered and logged in with a single click of a button. If he has already an account registered, he'll be just logged in and his account will be linked to his Facebook one. If he has already an account and its already linked as well, he'll be just logged in.

With Fast Registration option disabled, every user who hasn't got a registered account and logs in with Facebook will be asked to choose a new username and eventually an email address different from his Facebook one. By default, inputs will be filled with his existing Facebook data but they'll be able to choose whatever username and email they'll want. In addition to this they'll be asked to select what data to import from Facebook, respecting their privacy slightly better than the simple one-click registration process.

Thanks to all the guys who tested my plugin and thanks to all of them who will test my future versions.

Please note that MyBBoost runs on Flyover 2.4. Facebook login and registration is slightly different in MyFacebook Connect.

Now accepting donations

I am now accepting donations from anyone that wants to thank me for my plugins (and particularly for my My* Connect plugins) with a little amount of money. I have released many plugins for free but I am a student and I need to maintain my studies, hence why I am asking for an economical support.

You are free to decide if and how much donating. If you'd like to do it, offer me a coffee.

Who's using it?

MyFacebook Connect has been downloaded over 100.000 times and counting. Many users have appreciated it for its ease of use and its high performances: here are some randomly picked up feedbacks.

Have tested it this and installed it on my forum and works like a charm.
This is the best solution for Facebook integration for MyBB. It's very simple yet powerful.
I love this plugin, it's very simple to use. Good job!
Such a shame this didn't come out sooner. No point us installing it now since we are moving to Xenforo, but this is another excellent plugin.
That's a great plugin! Thank you man!

Feature listing

At the moment, MyFacebook Connect comes with the following features:
  • Provides transparent login with Facebook to your MyBB installation
  • One-click login/registration: if Fast Registration setting is set to off, it will ask the user to choose an username from scratch and to decide what informations to import from Facebook
  • Automatically synchronizes Facebook account data with MyBB account, including avatar, birthday and cover (if Profile Pictures plugin is installed)
  • 5 dedicated settings that users can manage and change to whatever they like, controlling what data to sync with their Facebook accounts
  • Existing users can link their Facebook accounts to their accounts on your board within their User Control Panel and with the click of a button, without necessarily create a new account from scratch (or ask admins to merge their accounts)
  • Facebook-linked accounts can be unlinked with ease in the User Control Panel
  • Choose to disable registrations globally but let MyFacebook Connect run on its own, restricting access to Facebook users only
  • 2 registration modes you can choose to use within your Admin Control Panel: One Click Registration (Fast) and Two Step Registration
  • Send a welcome PM containing a randomly generated password to every Facebook-registered user
  • Redirects logged in/registered users to the same page they came from
  • Choose to restrict registrations to verified-only Facebook users
  • Choose the usergroup to add Facebook-registered users
  • Who's Online List support

Installation instructions

Read How to install to know how to install MyFacebook Connect.

Configuration instructions

Read How to configure to know how to configure MyFacebook Connect.

Use an image instead of a button

Read How to configure to know how to use an image instead of a button for Facebook login.

If you want to use a CSS button instead of an image you can read brad-t's instructions.

Update from any version to another

Read the specific page in the documentation on GitHub to know how to update from any MyFacebook Connect to another. This is as simple as clicking a button and you won't lose any data.

MyFacebook Connect is on GitHub! Contributes are always appreciated!

You can contribute, report issues and request a new feature publicly, I'll do my best to fix and add what you request there. You can reach the plugin at the following link:

This project is licensed under


A simple license with little to no use restrictions, except for author's crediting. Read the provided LICENSE file for more informations.


Commercial use
Private use


License notice
Copyright notice
Filename Size Downloads
165.72 KB 60
Karthik26, nokee, Eldenroot And 1 others like this post
Shade 30 Apr 2017
Flyover lets you set up multiple social networks, including Facebook, and has some exclusive options. However, if you already have many users using MFC, it's best to wait for Flyover 1.3 which will feature a migrator from MFC and other plugins.
zyra 30 Apr 2017
Thx for the advice..
What are the exclusive options you're talking about.. cause I can't seem to figure it out
Shade 30 Apr 2017
Emailless and passwordless registrations, a bit more customizations and better performances, other than multiple providers support which is the main feature of Flyover.
zyra 30 Apr 2017
Sounds interesting ... emailless and passwordless how do I need to interpret that?
- Do they still appear as registered users on the forum?
- Is the e-mail adress of users registering that way still written in the db?
Shade 30 Apr 2017
Users are registered as usual, but without an email and a password associated.
zyra 30 Apr 2017
Damn that's interesting, when will the update be there?, can't wait to make the transition to this awesomeness :)
Shade 30 Apr 2017
When it's ready :) No ETAs, sorry.
zyra 1 May 2017 Edited
Take you're time m8 ! quality over speed ;)
Shade 28 Jul 2017 Edited

MyFacebook Connect 3.2 is out

This is a bugfix and feature release.


Facebook's SDK has been updated to the newest available (released: 23/7/2017), which is faster and more stable than the previous one used by MyFacebook Connect.

Minor bugfixes

Minor issues have been addressed, including:
  • avatars are now served as secure content (with https);
  • all templates are now cached before requesting them;
  • settings are updated correctly when updating from 1.x-2.x.

How to update

Unzip the package and replace the old files with the new ones. Running the upgrade script is not required if you are on 3.0 or 3.1, otherwise you'll be asked to execute it.
Eldenroot likes this post
Eldenroot 29 Jul 2017
Thank you, updated! Welcome back mate!